
Showing posts from September, 2017

Dragons Den' Pitch Planning ( Post 18 )

We were set the task of creating  dragon  den style presentation of our idea so far, so we expanded on our presentation for our plan so far to do this; giving a more detailed explanation of our ideas. We will then pitch this to a panel later in the week. Here is the power point we prepared:

Ancillary Task 2 Practice ( Post 17 )

Recreate A Famous Album Cover Similar to our first ancillary task, we have to create a famous album. Once again, we were placed in randomly generated groups. The group I was placed in included Jordan, Tazmin and, of course, myself. In these groups, we were given a random album cover by sir to recreate. The album we were assigned was 'Creatures of the Night' by Kiss: Unlike the other task, however, we had one lesson to familiarise ourselves with the poster and to organise models. This is because the album covers involved more comprehensive makeup and therefore required more preparation in order to bring in the appropriate costumes/makeup/props. Finding models willing to have such dramatic makeup applied during school hours (particularly period one) was difficult. Fortunately, we found two who were willing. While we didn't need any comprehensive props, our photo heavily relied on makeup. This meant we needed to acquire some eyeliner for the next lesson. This ...

Ancillary Task Research ( Post 16 )

For this task we had to create a 'talking head' video where we ask people about famous album covers and film posters to try and get more of an understanding of the consumer side to our ancillary task. Hopefully the information we gain from this research will let us know what makes a successful film poster or album cover and some things to avoid including; as well as giving us an insight into what consumers from different demographics think works. Here are the questions we have to ask each respondent : 1)  What makes a film poster/music album cover stand out from the others? 2) In what ways can you think of film posters/music album covers link to the film plot/music, video/song themselves? 3) How much of a marketing tool do you consider a film poster and album cover to be? 4) As a consumer, what hints/tips can you give us in regard to making our own posters and/or album covers? We asked people of both genders and of various ages to get a fuller idea of what people lo...

Ancillary Task Practice 1 ( Post 15 )

For this task we were put into pairs and we were told we have to recreate an existing movie poster within the double lesson we had. We had to get it as close as possible to the original poster as we could with the resources we had in school. The poster me and Jordan were given was for the film Bridesmaids : Here is a group selfie of us with the original poster we were given : The way we decided to go about making the poster was getting a picture of all the characters together, in the poses we needed them in, and then photoshop the background out and add the relevant text afterwards. We went out and asked other sixth form students if they would pose for us, and in the end we got a group of 6 boys who helped us recreate the picture. This is the original photo we took to recreate the poses. We then out this into adobe photoshop and cut out the background using the magnetic laso and eraser tool. Here is a picture or Jordan doing some of the editing: Here is the finished ...

My Plan ( Post 14 )

Here are some screenshots of the powerpoint presentation we did to pitch our ideas to our fellow classmates:                                                                                     Lily did a follow up blogpost to expand on this powerpoint: September 06, 2017 MY PLAN. Our Plan so far: RESEARCH: To start off our A2 media coursework we did some reserach into existing professional and student made music videos for inspiration. From looking at these we realised that the music videos that had the most impact were ones with a mixture of storyline and performance, as it helped give the song and band an image for the consumer to associate with them. Some of the music videos that we thought worked the best also made the audience fe...