Construction : Day Two Filming Dates
Due to not getting the entirety of the footage I needed from the original filming date, we have organised another day to film. The details are as below: Updated date : 13th March 2018 Updated time : 9:30 -12:30am Schedule: Due to completing the footage for the performance element of my video, all the focus will be on the silent film chase. We have had some complications with the organisation of getting all the actors at the same time, so I have adjusted my idea so I can still continue with this film date. At the beginning of the chase one of the actors will be captured to the policeman and arrested, then the chase will continue with the rest of the band. Then at the end the band will loose the policeman and come free their friend and they can all run away together. This was I can still have the continuity of all four band members being in the silent film chase, but can film the beginning and the end at the start of the day and continue on with the remaining 3 members when...