Evalutation Question 2 ( Post 54 )

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Here is my plan :

I planned to cut to pictures of my ancillary tasks within the footage of this video, but unfortunately technology let me down and would not allow the export of this form of the video, so included below are pictures of my ancillary tasks so you can see what I am referring to:

Here is the interview me and my friend conducted as answer to this question:

  Furthermore, I also tested my opinion on my ancillary tasks linking by showing people different people ancillary tasks and videos from my fellow peers, and then making them guess which ancillary task goes with which video, Out of an audience of 20, 20 out of 20 linked my ancillary tasks to my video, demonstrating how I managed to portray continuity within advertising my products.
