Planning - Setting ( Post 27 )


What do I understand setting to mean?

This is what the google definition of setting is:

I think that the term setting means the place in which you will be filming, which can include time period, location, time of day and which season. Many people think setting is describing location only, but it is a broader term than that as the setting can be in a completely different time period or country, which also needs to be considered. Setting is the basis for you character as it is the situation in which you will be filming them in, so they character and the setting have to match.

What settings do I want to use in my music video:
I would like to set part of my music video in the 1920s-30s because I think it could add an interesting dimension to my video and as I want to include a silent film element, and this is the time period typically used for this genre was it was when it was most popular. I also want to challenge myself this year with my coursework and trying to create a setting inspired by a different time period is something I have never done before, so will stretch my creative skills.
Then the different locations I want to use withing my setting are going to be a studio space for the performance element as this would be the most authentic and is also a normal convention for music videos making it seem more professional.
The second location will be the city of Norwich, which is my local city. This will be used for the chase element of my video as it has lots of different places which we can film the characters running. It has different locations which could potentially be from an older time, therefore it will fit the 1920s/30s setting as I can try choose places that may be able to be imagined to be in that time. I feel like these settings will be the best for my video as they have the potential to create the atmosphere I want and stand for a strong basis for my characters to create a cohesive and effective music video. They will create a mis-en-scene that fits with the characters, which is the main link between the song lyrics and the footage, making everything fit together smoothly. This will allow the audience to see the connection between the song and the characters by providing a place for the narrative to unravel within these different settings.

Images of potential settings:
City college recording studios:Image result for city college music studiosImage result for city college music studios
The actors I am using go to City College, and have access to the recording studios there, which could be a potential setting as it has all the equipment we would need and also looks very professional as it is a proper recording studio. This would be a good setting for my video as it would make it look more professional and would mean that we do not have to worry about transportation of instruments as they will already be at the location when we arrive.

The lanes ( Norwich):
Image result for the lanes norwichImage result for the lanes norwich

This is a good location for the silent film chase as it is a cute vintage part of Norwich, which could very easily be part of a different time period. It is a series of lanes with different shops by the sides, which is the perfect setting to have a chase run through it. It is usually less busy on Sundays, which means that it would be easier to film without people in the background who could disrupt the scene and ruin the effect of the video.

The arcade ( Norwich):
Image result for the lanes norwich
This is a good setting as well as it looks vintage, so will fit the time period of my setting. It also is good for running scenes and could be used to make a very creative silent film effect once the editing is complete with the filters laid over the top of the footage. It is easy to access and is close all the other settings I plan to use meaning during production it will be easier to complete filming efficiently.

Anglia Square ( Norwich):
Image result for anglia squareImage result for anglia square
This is one of the older parts of Norwich, and it is a good setting as some of the buildings are older and will help create a vintage feel to my music video. There is lots of terrace houses near this location, which could be uses to film in as well making it an important setting. It also has lots of space within the square which could be interesting to use and provide a good location to get lots of footage.

Norwich high street and market:Image result for norwich market
This could be a good location as it has lots of space and different areas we could use to film. The issue with this location is that it is always fairly busy and has lots of modern buildings and shops, which could take away from the vintage feel of the video as people and building in the background could distract from the main point of the video. However, it is a wide space that could be used for filming different shots and is a good place to practice footage to see how we need to film, even if it may not end up in the final product.

None of my locations need permission to film in as they are all free access so I do not need to book them, I just need to organise a time and date with my actors so we can film, so unfortunately I do not have any screengrabs of organisation of these locations.
